Winter Solstice
The 1901 Ceremonial of our Holy Church described the winter solstice:
“The sun, having descended to the lowest point of its path in the southern hemisphere like the depths of a dark cavern, ascends towards the northern hemisphere. Darkness has prevailed over light, but now a new light will shine in the midst of darkness. Thus, at the winter solstice, light and warmth (christ) are reborn. It is at this moment that the gnostic Church celebrates the birth on earth of the fire-christ and the birth of Ieshu who embodies it on earth at the supreme degree.” Gospel Reading for the First Day of Winter
An angel appeared again to Joseph in his sleep, saying: arise, take the child and his mother and go to Egypt and stay there until I speak to you again. So Joseph got up, took the child and his mother during the night, and went to Egypt. And he stayed there until the death of Herod. |