Initiatic Affiliations
By the late 18th through early 19th centuries, a movement was underway from within the Catholic Church of France to restore the longstanding and hidden tradition of classical Gnosticism. This involved numerous ecclesiastics, who were leading Martinist, Masonic, Rosicrucian, and Templar figures. L’Église Gnostique Catholique Apostolique (EGCA) is the French Gnostic Church, the first Gnostic Church in modern times, established in 1890 by Jules Doinel in Paris. Since the Restoration of the Gnosis, Our Ecclesia has been known as "l'Église des Initiés" (“The Church of the Initiates”).
Throughout its history, Our Ecclesia has held historical pre-eminences over Martinist and Martinezist Rites and Orders, and over Rites and Orders of Freemasonry (Craft Lodge and High Degrees), Rose+Croix, and Rosicrucian, as well as Kabbalistic, Theurgical, Hermetic, Alchemical, and Theosophical schools. A unique Hierophantic tradition has always accompanied the Sacramental and Exegetical duties and authorities of Our Church.[1]
Today, in succession from our legitimate predecessors, We retain and exercise all the same Ecclesiastical and Hierophantic powers and authorities of the Primacy in the governance of Our Ecclesia and of the traditional Orders and Rites of its Sanctuary of the Gnosis. Among these Orders are the Ordre Martiniste of North America (OMNA) and the Aesthetic Rose+Cross Order of the Temple and of the Grail (ARC).
[1] Louis-Sophrone, Fugairon (Tau Sophronius) “ Catéchisme expliqué de l'Église gnostique”. 1899. p.181-182.