What is a Pesher
By Bishop +John Cole
Pesher is a word of Hebrew origin that describes a cryptic writing having multiple layers of content and meaning, both symbolic and literal. The pesher does not easily give forth its secrets. The first level of the pesher (ciphertext) is the one that immediately meets the eye and has apparent meaning - even if it must be interpreted through the mental faculties of the reader. While read on a conscious level, the surface (ciphertext) of ancient peshers often contains multiple languages and iconic symbols. The deepest layer of the pesher (plaintext) often contains an esoteric, literal tale-within-the-tale. A pesher may discuss an event of the present, portrayed with events from the past, even at times incorporating the author’s secret knowledge of the future. In short, it may overlap multidimensional activity and time frames - past, present, and future - which the sages see as one.
Since the nature of a pesher is often concerned with controversial, religious matters that require protection, it is often cloaked in alchemical symbolism, flights of myth, rhythmic poetry, and timeless icons that provoke impressions on higher levels of consciousness transcending all language barriers. The compilation of such tales will correlate to the conscious knowledge of the author such as history, language, geography, numerology, literature, mythology, politics, religion, socialism, and a broad range of other subjects.
While the surface story of a pesher tells an intriguing tale, often a deeply enigmatic analogy, it can sometimes appear impossible to read like a normal story, but will have consistency, meter, and theme that provoke deeper mystery. All layers of the tale are equally important for the purpose for which they are intended, and do not undermine one another. While the ciphertext and the plaintext can be related to the same theme, this is not always necessary.
While peshers are indeed intentional on some level of awareness, sometimes the inspired author does not have an awareness of the deeper levels in the forefront of the conscious mind during the writing process. This type pesher might be referred to as the angelic pesher, as the common theme and plot often has to do with the plan of heaven as it relates to the plight of mankind. The conscious effort put forth by the mind of the author of this type pesher is expended in developing the often poetic phrases and symbolism in the surface tale. The “angel” or “genius” of the soul is truly the author/messenger of the angelic pesher and responsible for the narration within the hidden layers. The human mind is the linking factor, the aperture between the upper layers of immortal consciousness and the lower, mortal nature of man. This makes it possible to bring forth the “angel”, or “genius” of the soul, the higher, unified self, which intertwines its voice in the pesher.
In many inspired writings, especially the angelic pesher, the underlying symbols and the deeper layers of the plaintext in the tale come forth from higher levels of immortal consciousness, and for many reasons mostly known to the soul, are not always immediately revealed to the author, or especially to the reader.
The intentional pesher was often used as a form of recording fact and prophecy throughout history for many different reasons. The pesher was a method of protecting sacred knowledge from the eyes of the profane, dispersing it according to the ability of the reader to discern, and preserving controversial knowledge that could be subjected to political and religious censorship. In short, it often assured the survival of controversial knowledge under the guise of sheer literature. The intentional pesher was also used as a cover for prophetic tales, or hidden legends like the one herein, that were most certainly vulnerable to censorship by religious authorities.
Considering the nature of the pesher as an elaborate anagrammatical structure, often based on the permutation or rearrangement of very exact letters, it becomes quite apparent why the old prophets and sages insisted that not one letter of their inspired writings be altered, lest the meaning become convoluted. This was especially evidenced in the Cabala, whose legend was carried down through the ages. Apparently, the intentional pesher may also have been a method used in the writing of many ancient texts like the Old Testament, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and other ancient writings pertaining to sacred knowledge. The Cabalists, in particular, were very adept in the permutation of words in sacrosanct texts, and the original Hebrew Torah was considered an encoded blueprint from the Divine - a sort of living Word. While most of the knowledge of the Cabalists was oral, many devotees spent laborious years of their lives diligently copying each letter of the Cabala - which was reputed to consist of a pesher with secret layers comprised of a history of the past, present, and future of everyone whose name was written in the Book of Life.
Pesher is a word of Hebrew origin that describes a cryptic writing having multiple layers of content and meaning, both symbolic and literal. The pesher does not easily give forth its secrets. The first level of the pesher (ciphertext) is the one that immediately meets the eye and has apparent meaning - even if it must be interpreted through the mental faculties of the reader. While read on a conscious level, the surface (ciphertext) of ancient peshers often contains multiple languages and iconic symbols. The deepest layer of the pesher (plaintext) often contains an esoteric, literal tale-within-the-tale. A pesher may discuss an event of the present, portrayed with events from the past, even at times incorporating the author’s secret knowledge of the future. In short, it may overlap multidimensional activity and time frames - past, present, and future - which the sages see as one.
Since the nature of a pesher is often concerned with controversial, religious matters that require protection, it is often cloaked in alchemical symbolism, flights of myth, rhythmic poetry, and timeless icons that provoke impressions on higher levels of consciousness transcending all language barriers. The compilation of such tales will correlate to the conscious knowledge of the author such as history, language, geography, numerology, literature, mythology, politics, religion, socialism, and a broad range of other subjects.
While the surface story of a pesher tells an intriguing tale, often a deeply enigmatic analogy, it can sometimes appear impossible to read like a normal story, but will have consistency, meter, and theme that provoke deeper mystery. All layers of the tale are equally important for the purpose for which they are intended, and do not undermine one another. While the ciphertext and the plaintext can be related to the same theme, this is not always necessary.
While peshers are indeed intentional on some level of awareness, sometimes the inspired author does not have an awareness of the deeper levels in the forefront of the conscious mind during the writing process. This type pesher might be referred to as the angelic pesher, as the common theme and plot often has to do with the plan of heaven as it relates to the plight of mankind. The conscious effort put forth by the mind of the author of this type pesher is expended in developing the often poetic phrases and symbolism in the surface tale. The “angel” or “genius” of the soul is truly the author/messenger of the angelic pesher and responsible for the narration within the hidden layers. The human mind is the linking factor, the aperture between the upper layers of immortal consciousness and the lower, mortal nature of man. This makes it possible to bring forth the “angel”, or “genius” of the soul, the higher, unified self, which intertwines its voice in the pesher.
In many inspired writings, especially the angelic pesher, the underlying symbols and the deeper layers of the plaintext in the tale come forth from higher levels of immortal consciousness, and for many reasons mostly known to the soul, are not always immediately revealed to the author, or especially to the reader.
The intentional pesher was often used as a form of recording fact and prophecy throughout history for many different reasons. The pesher was a method of protecting sacred knowledge from the eyes of the profane, dispersing it according to the ability of the reader to discern, and preserving controversial knowledge that could be subjected to political and religious censorship. In short, it often assured the survival of controversial knowledge under the guise of sheer literature. The intentional pesher was also used as a cover for prophetic tales, or hidden legends like the one herein, that were most certainly vulnerable to censorship by religious authorities.
Considering the nature of the pesher as an elaborate anagrammatical structure, often based on the permutation or rearrangement of very exact letters, it becomes quite apparent why the old prophets and sages insisted that not one letter of their inspired writings be altered, lest the meaning become convoluted. This was especially evidenced in the Cabala, whose legend was carried down through the ages. Apparently, the intentional pesher may also have been a method used in the writing of many ancient texts like the Old Testament, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and other ancient writings pertaining to sacred knowledge. The Cabalists, in particular, were very adept in the permutation of words in sacrosanct texts, and the original Hebrew Torah was considered an encoded blueprint from the Divine - a sort of living Word. While most of the knowledge of the Cabalists was oral, many devotees spent laborious years of their lives diligently copying each letter of the Cabala - which was reputed to consist of a pesher with secret layers comprised of a history of the past, present, and future of everyone whose name was written in the Book of Life.