Statutes l’Église Gnostique Universelle
By +Jean Bricaud, a partial list of these were published on the last page of his The Esoteric Christian Doctrine, 1907)
The Gnostic Church has as its essential goal the reconstitution of the primitive unity of religion, that is by rejecting the errors from which developed the different religions by establishing a Religion which conforms to the universal tradition and by that the truly catholic (universal) one.
The Gnostic Church does not pretend to impose itself on consciences by civil or military force, nor by the vain threats of punishments after the tomb, neither by the fallacious promises of rewards in the future.
Based in part on the universal tradition (of all civilised peoples) and not only on the Hebrew tradition of the Bible, but also on philosophy and modern science, its truths are not presented as objects (of faith but as objects of philosophical and scientific demonstration, and it addresses itself to reason which is the same in every man.)
The Gnostic Church is large (in the sense of generous) and tolerant. It respects the customs and laws of all peoples, which allows it to admit men, of all nationalities, of all languages, of all races, which are born and raised in any religion.
It recommends to its adepts that in all the circumstances of life to provide each other with mutual help and to treat themselves like brothers.
The Gnostic Church is divided in two sections, the exoteric section and the esoteric section.
The latter (the esoteric section) has the goal of giving its members in the exoteric section an initiation into the Gnosis.
Only members of the exoteric section can be received in it (the esoteric section) and only under certain conditions.
To be received a member of the Gnostic Church (exoteric section) one need only make the request to the direction of the Réveil Gnostique, 8, Bugeaud Rd, in Lyon.
The entry fee in the Church is 5 francs.
The annual dues are of 6 francs which gives the right to receive the Réveil Gnostique for free, it is the organ of the Gnostic Universal Church.
The Gnostic Church has as its essential goal the reconstitution of the primitive unity of religion, that is by rejecting the errors from which developed the different religions by establishing a Religion which conforms to the universal tradition and by that the truly catholic (universal) one.
The Gnostic Church does not pretend to impose itself on consciences by civil or military force, nor by the vain threats of punishments after the tomb, neither by the fallacious promises of rewards in the future.
Based in part on the universal tradition (of all civilised peoples) and not only on the Hebrew tradition of the Bible, but also on philosophy and modern science, its truths are not presented as objects (of faith but as objects of philosophical and scientific demonstration, and it addresses itself to reason which is the same in every man.)
The Gnostic Church is large (in the sense of generous) and tolerant. It respects the customs and laws of all peoples, which allows it to admit men, of all nationalities, of all languages, of all races, which are born and raised in any religion.
It recommends to its adepts that in all the circumstances of life to provide each other with mutual help and to treat themselves like brothers.
The Gnostic Church is divided in two sections, the exoteric section and the esoteric section.
The latter (the esoteric section) has the goal of giving its members in the exoteric section an initiation into the Gnosis.
Only members of the exoteric section can be received in it (the esoteric section) and only under certain conditions.
To be received a member of the Gnostic Church (exoteric section) one need only make the request to the direction of the Réveil Gnostique, 8, Bugeaud Rd, in Lyon.
The entry fee in the Church is 5 francs.
The annual dues are of 6 francs which gives the right to receive the Réveil Gnostique for free, it is the organ of the Gnostic Universal Church.