The Evolution of the Gnosis
By Constant Chevillon
God gave to man intelligence, meaning the faculty of understanding of analysis and of synthesis, but he did not give him science. In order to have science the will has to be at the service of the intellect, we must conquer truth by a personal effort.
This is why the word of God is perceived in stages (steps), at first glance, in its immediately intelligible sense, it contains the only the truth susceptible to be understood by the most educated men in the epochs where it was heard. Jesus, the spokesperson for God often spoke in parables so that he could be accessible to his listeners. To his apostles he spoke differently and we have a faint echo of this in the Gospel of John. He also said to them: “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth.” John 16:12 NIV
The Spirit of truth has come at different times. He came at the Cenacle and the apostles learnt how to shout from the roof tops the truth of the moment. He came on the Road to Damas and Paul was enlightened (inspired, illuminated) to write his epistles. He came to inspire the creator-geniuses of science. Each time he descends in the world we have known truth under a different angle and always in a fuller way. The meaning in the scriptures has lifted many of its (the Gnosis’) veils. There are still more to be lifted and they will fall one by one when our eye becomes harmonized with a greater light. Such is how the Gnosis is created, ever more and more, under the influx of the Spirit which chooses prophets amongst men whose wills know how to break its obstacles.
Extract from : Méditations Initiatiques by C. Chevillon, édition Paul Derain – Lyon, 1953.
God gave to man intelligence, meaning the faculty of understanding of analysis and of synthesis, but he did not give him science. In order to have science the will has to be at the service of the intellect, we must conquer truth by a personal effort.
This is why the word of God is perceived in stages (steps), at first glance, in its immediately intelligible sense, it contains the only the truth susceptible to be understood by the most educated men in the epochs where it was heard. Jesus, the spokesperson for God often spoke in parables so that he could be accessible to his listeners. To his apostles he spoke differently and we have a faint echo of this in the Gospel of John. He also said to them: “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth.” John 16:12 NIV
The Spirit of truth has come at different times. He came at the Cenacle and the apostles learnt how to shout from the roof tops the truth of the moment. He came on the Road to Damas and Paul was enlightened (inspired, illuminated) to write his epistles. He came to inspire the creator-geniuses of science. Each time he descends in the world we have known truth under a different angle and always in a fuller way. The meaning in the scriptures has lifted many of its (the Gnosis’) veils. There are still more to be lifted and they will fall one by one when our eye becomes harmonized with a greater light. Such is how the Gnosis is created, ever more and more, under the influx of the Spirit which chooses prophets amongst men whose wills know how to break its obstacles.
Extract from : Méditations Initiatiques by C. Chevillon, édition Paul Derain – Lyon, 1953.