All Saints Day

As winter approaches, at least in the northern hemisphere, and things die all around us we are naturally drawn inward and our thoughts turn to the wisdom which cold, darkness and death have to teach us.
The early Christian Church decided, rather wisely, to follow the example of its Pagan predecessors and hold its All Saints Day during this dying time of year. All Saints Day is traditionally the time that Christians of all stripes visited the tombs of their ancestors. It is therefore a time to remember all our loved ones that have passed away.
But at the same time All Saints Day is a triumphant feast for the Gnostic Church because it is during this day that we remember the promise of what I would call the 'Great Hope of Sainthood.' That the Divine Light inside of us is destined to make us Holy. Yes, holiness is within reach of us all in this lifetime, if we follow the voice and presence of the indwelling Christ within.
As members of the Universal Church of Light, it is also particularly a time for Gnostics to celebrate the lives of Holy Men,Tzaddikim, Prophets, Saints, Holy Masters and Knights of the Light from all cultures. Let us therefore celebrate today the lives of such world teachers as: Zoroastre, Simon Magus, Valentinus, Basilides, Escarlamonde, Jacques Demolay, Issaac Luria, Rumi, Christian Rosencreunz, Martinez de Pasqually, Louis-Claude de Saint Martin, Jean Baptiste de Willermoz, Jules Doinel, Helena Blavatsky, Gérard Encausse (Papus), and any others we feel personally drawn to.
Let us also as One Gnostic Community and One Universal Gnostic Church pray together as Enoch did in the 'Book of Enoch':
Let there be light interminable! Let darkness be previously destroyed and let the light increaseth before the Lord of Spirits! So that by Our very presence and holiness the light of righteousness shall increaseth forever before the Lord of Spirits. Amen!
The early Christian Church decided, rather wisely, to follow the example of its Pagan predecessors and hold its All Saints Day during this dying time of year. All Saints Day is traditionally the time that Christians of all stripes visited the tombs of their ancestors. It is therefore a time to remember all our loved ones that have passed away.
But at the same time All Saints Day is a triumphant feast for the Gnostic Church because it is during this day that we remember the promise of what I would call the 'Great Hope of Sainthood.' That the Divine Light inside of us is destined to make us Holy. Yes, holiness is within reach of us all in this lifetime, if we follow the voice and presence of the indwelling Christ within.
As members of the Universal Church of Light, it is also particularly a time for Gnostics to celebrate the lives of Holy Men,Tzaddikim, Prophets, Saints, Holy Masters and Knights of the Light from all cultures. Let us therefore celebrate today the lives of such world teachers as: Zoroastre, Simon Magus, Valentinus, Basilides, Escarlamonde, Jacques Demolay, Issaac Luria, Rumi, Christian Rosencreunz, Martinez de Pasqually, Louis-Claude de Saint Martin, Jean Baptiste de Willermoz, Jules Doinel, Helena Blavatsky, Gérard Encausse (Papus), and any others we feel personally drawn to.
Let us also as One Gnostic Community and One Universal Gnostic Church pray together as Enoch did in the 'Book of Enoch':
Let there be light interminable! Let darkness be previously destroyed and let the light increaseth before the Lord of Spirits! So that by Our very presence and holiness the light of righteousness shall increaseth forever before the Lord of Spirits. Amen!